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About Us

We Deliver Quality Career Technical Education

Come see our student work. Programs presenting include Web Development, Multimedia, Geographic Information Systems and Computer and Information Science.

We're Building a Repution for Excellence

We Build Partnerships

Guided by Commitment

Skilled Students

Our Programs

We strive to prepare students for the work force by teaching the most modern, in demand technologies.

We train developers to approach projects with a full stack mentality. Our students are taught to utilize both sides of the brain and know how to attack any project. To put it simply, the Mesa College Web Development student understands process.

The Computer Science program places you at the forefront of innovation by preparing you to apply your knowledge of computer technology within a number of diverse business and professional environments.

Dream it and design it! Mesa College’s multimedia courses are designed to prepare you for one of the many jobs in the multimedia field. Become a 3D animator, video game designer, graphic designer, web content designer, or a video content producer and discover the strides you can make when you apply your technological prowess across many diverse industries.

The GIS program equips you with the tools to analyze regions and gain meaning from the patterns, relationships, and connections that you observe in the world around you. Using industry standard GIS and remote sensing applications and software, you will learn how to capture, analyze, and display different information, taking advantage of new technological innovations in satellite imagery and global positioning systems (GPS) to create digital maps.


Total Projects



Number of Students Presenting



Hours of Work



Graduates Ready to Work

Preparing our Students to Be Working Professionals


Web Development

We are constantly updating our curriculum to adapt to employer needs. Come see our React and Angular projects!


Computer and Information Science

Our courses focus on the use of computers in the workplace and relate the general study of the computer itself to the study of specific computer languages, enabling the student to combine computer hardware and software to process data and to organize, store and retrieve information used in business and industry.



The program provides students with a comprehensive approach to the field of Multimedia. The program curriculum is structured so as to provide students with a balance between aesthetic and practical design application. Upon completion of this program, students will be qualified for entry level employment in the multimedia industry.


Geographical Information Systems

GIS is a collection of computer hardware, software, and geographic data for capturing, managing, analyzing, and displaying all forms of geographically referenced information. GIS products are often expressed as digital maps linked to interactive tabular data. GIS is also used to produce overlay maps, perform spatial analysis and modeling, and can be interfaced with data from satellite imagery and global positioning systems (GPS).