Video Game Design and Development


Deric Dang

C/C++, C#, Java, Unity, Unreal, Maya, Blender, GIT, Agile Development

Started into game design since 2010 back when I was just making simple custom levels for doom 1/2. My programming/level design has started perking up during 2015, when I wanted to tackle bigger and more ambitious projects (and still am).

Knows the way to work with C++, C#, and Blueprints. I am currently an Aspiring game developer. Regardless of how much I make personal projects or doing practices on game design, I will almost always be learning something new every time.


Blake Hunter

C#, Java, Javascript, Unity, Unreal, Maya, GIT


Mico Ramos

C#, Unity, Unreal, Maya, GIT, Agile Development, Photoshop, Illustrator, Excel

I have 7+ years of experience in the management and the production of television shows and motion pictures. I wanted to learn how to design video games in order to explore a new medium of creativity and to participate in a growing industry.

As a Video Games Producer, I hope to use the knowledge that I have learned on movie sets to solve new problems and to push the envelope of technology and art. This semester, I had the pleasure of directing three great video games with a wonderful team: "LazarOS", "Rocket Junker!", and "Do Not Feed This Plant!!"


Amir McGinness

C/C++, C#, Java, Javascript, Unity, Unreal, Maya, GIT


Justin Davenport

Unity, Unreal, Maya, Blender, GIT

As an aspiring video game designer, I am incredibly passionate about creating games that transports players to amazing worlds and giving them unique experiences the way that videos games have done for me.

I am always looking for and learning new techniques or technologies to apply to video game design. I have a deep love for video games in general as a lifetime gamer and wish to pursue a career around video games. I am determined to make it in the industry and hope to create games for people to enjoy like I have all my life.


Izhane LeMaster

Java, AI / ML, Unity, Unreal, Maya

I'm currently self teaching myself how to use Unreal Engine in all aspects and working with friends on there projects. I would love to work with any Indie studio so i can work on all aspects of a game and release a full game.


Chris Brown

C/C++, Python, Unreal, Blender, Adobe Illustrator Master

I've got the need to learn, grow and perform, unlike anything you've seen before.


Ian Moser

C#, Unity, Unreal, Agile Development